Top 5 Key Principles For Business I Learned While Attending Gravity Summit At Harvard Cont.

Principle 2-Community-
Obama used to be a community organizer. He used social media and social networking to get elected (my opinion), so what your small business can consider is building an on-line community around your products and services. This is the simplest analogy I could come up with because everyone hopefully can resonate with this example. The benefit of online communities provides a way you can listen to customers wants, needs, pains, and feedback on your products and services in real time. Imagine if before you launched your next product you could get instant feedback on branding, colors, look/feel, benefits, likes, dislikes, etc. all from your existing or potential clients. As long as you are HONEST with people, this feedback can be extremely helpful before a new product or service launch. But just know that you will have to give up some form of “control” on your part to actually “hear” the positive aspects of your products/ services and the negative. But the main point is engagement and a feedback mechanism for your benefit.

What principals would you add? Do you agree/ dis-agree with some of my principals? I am interested in hearing from all businesses (large and small)

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