how to implement a social media marketing system into your corporation

By now your business should be on twitter, have a facebook fan page, and hopefully your on linked-in networking. For the small business market (which is where we have been providing most of our consulting services) it is still struggling with social media and social networking for business because of the 3 reasons i have seen:

1. budgeting requirements
2. time investment required for training on their part
3. being afraid of change.

Now i have to say that years ago i had the same concerns, but the point is that i started EDUCATING myself. Once you as a small business owner start getting educated (and hopefully you’ve signed up on our coaching program for social networking and social media for business here: SIGN UP ) you can begin the educational process.

Here is quick video that explains how to implement a social media marketing system into your company (enjoy) and leave a comment on your thoughts (its helps our blog ranking out ๐Ÿ™‚

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