Top 5 Key Principles For Business I Learned While Attending Gravity Summit At Harvard Cont.

Principle 3- Start with Customer Service- and Actually Care
Many big companies like Comcast, Southwest, Whole Foods, and especially Zappos are some big brand examples that small businesses can learn from. Yes the small businesses don’t have as many departments, resources, or budgets, but try to implement little things here and there and you will see a difference in building your company up as what many in social media would call an “authority.” I define authority as someone who has been actively participating in the online social community to one extent or another, and everyone has a different authority level in this space (some higher than others because of how long they have been active in social media- and this is ok- people are accepting to honesty usually, and willing to tolerate your learning curve as long as your respectful of others opinions of course).

What principals would you add? Do you agree/ dis-agree with some of my principals? I am interested in hearing from all businesses (large and small)

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