How much is your time worth relating to social media?


Every single business professional knows that time is money. This is even more relevant than ever now thanks to social media and social networking. It is making my clients get back to business basics- building relationships with potential and current customers. Just like you pay an IT consultant to fix your computers (hourly billing) consider the time of a social media consultant at least double for the good ones.

If you are not good with time management, I suggest you get good with it real quick because when jumping into social media marketing, you can easily get caught up in the fun and excitement of connecting with great people all around the world.

How much is your time worth? I charge between 100$-350$/ hr. depending on whether I’m speaking, consulting, strategy building, designing, conducting competitive intelligence, training, coaching, teaching, researching, or even writing for clients. And when it relates to social networking and social media- even more time because there are so many components to having a successful and cohesive social media marketing campaign that the average business person just doesn’t get it. This is social media for business is very complex and time consuming stuff i assure you.

I have been asked since we started Social Networking San Diego, “How much time should i be spending on these social media and social networking sites Justin? I am not making money when i am networking online, writing my blog content, or filming a new video message to my clients.” My answer is simple- consider this time that you are investing in marketing yourself, your products or services, and you are investing sweat equity in your business. If you don’t have an hour a day to market your business, then you have a problem.

Many business professionals, small, medium, and large sized clients MUST understand this critical rule when dealing with social media and considering working with social media consultants and that is…………….stay tuned for tomorrows post when i will reveal the #1 Rule when dealing with a successful social media marketing campaign.

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